
Team Member Profile Template for Carson Wealth & Carson Partners

Team member profile page design layout to highlight SEO keywords and enhance search-ability and internal linking for affiliated websites.

Objectives from the profile page creative brief:

“Improve SEO rankings for Carson Wealth and for our Partners by improving our Team Member/Author profile pages by merging the two different pages into one profile page layout for each advisor/thought leader and including more information about each to include relevant keyword strategy. Improve SEO rankings for Thought Leaders by creating a robust profile that can be linked out to more internal and external content and publications.”

Profile Page Design Considerations:

  • The profile page header needed to be flexible enough to accommodate
    • Names of varying length
    • Multiple certifications (or none at all)
    • Varying title lengths.
  • The template will have automated call out text that highlights if a team member
    • has won awards
    • how many years of experience they have
    • and where they are located.
  • An option for a video embed allows team members to speak directly to viewers about who they are and what is important to them.
  • The bio itself can contain links (internal or external) and allows for compliance disclosures.
  • Optional testimonial call out available.
  • Standard resume items round out the profile.
  • To the right, a contact button is followed by location information and optional social links.
  • Highlighting services offered as well as specializations help to make this profile scannable for users.
  • Some team members like to include images, so I included a carousel for that purpose.

Profile Page Testing:

This profile page layout design was created using Sketch. Profile design was “stress tested” by implementing the same design elements for individual profiles with varying degrees of information (intern, mid-level advisor, and thought leader). Below is the “Thought Leader” version with all the bells and whistles (this is an amalgamation of multiple profiles for max effect).