2018 March X-fest Cover & Retail Spread

This is the Spring 2018 “X-Fest” sales event flyer for the Duty Free Retail Company NATEX, serving the NATO community in Germany. These flyers were produced in concert with weekly ads a few times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall, and two during the Holidays along with a gift guide. Needless to say, time was always a factor in producing these beasts. Planning to printed, they usually took 6 weeks each.

NATEX is where I cut my teeth as a designer. I learned on the job from my supervisor and mentor, along with online tutorials and a large number of books.
(Aside: Hi Paul! If your reading this, thanks a million for all of your help and support. Cheers!)

This twenty page flyer advertising the spring seasonal sales event is a culmination of everything I learned there. The project was mine completely from concept to completion. I presented a rough idea to the managers, buyers, director, and marketing team. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with a few questioning glances, that eventually decided to let me run with it. Along the way I worked closely with the buying team to determine what products that we wanted to feature and to gather intel, because I also did the copywriting for several portions of the flyer (the rest handled by a talented administrative assistant).

The Spring X-fest flyer was quite a departure in look from previous flyers of this kind, and contained a great deal more written value content. However, the brand standards were honored to create a consistent product that the customer base would recognize. It was very well received by the target audience, many of whom recognized their own testimonials quoted throughout the ad! Sales also exceeded expectations, making it quite a triumph.

These are just a few of the page spreads, but they testify to the wide range and large number of procucts that had to be represented in this relatively small publication. Creating a cohesive theme and carrying it across diverse offerings was one of the primary challenges in creating these sales flyers.