On Thin Ice: Hardcover Book Mockup

On Thin Ice by Jane Doe is obviously a made up book. You may have guessed, this is a self generated project. It was an exercise in creating composite graphics and designing book covers. I am very interested in designing for publication, and as they say practice makes perfect.

I adore reading. I challenge myself to read 50 books each year, which can get crazy with working full time, ongoing professional development, and raising a family. I read lots of genres from non-fiction design books (Yay for learning!) to romance to suspense to drama. Thrillers and fantasy novels often have the very interesting cover work in terms of collaged images, so that is where I began.

The images used to create this book cover composite were found on unsplash.com.
I’d like to credit the photographers here:
Left Photo: Christian Holzinger
Right Photo: Shawn Ang